
 I’m from Andalusia, and I grew up in Linares & Úbeda, two small cities famous for their high levels of unemployment and for being Unesco heritage, respectively. Then, I studied a BA in sociology in Granada and a MA in research methods in Madrid.  After that, I did a PhD at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona), followed by a “german postdoc” (similar to assistant professor in most countries) at Goethe University of Frankfurt. Currently,  I am associate professor of sociology at UNED in Madrid, where I’m the Principal Investigator of the research project MultiMasc. I also  collaborate with other projects, like this one, or this other

I am fellow of the Johanna Quandt Young Academy (Germany), the Life Course Centre at the University of Queensland (Australia). In the past, I was Early Career Scholar of the Work & Family Research Network (United States), and visiting scholar at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW-Berlin), Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), and Universities of Queensland (Australia), Cologne (Germany), and College of London (United Kingdom).  

I study how class and gender inequalities are intergenerationally transmitted within families. I devote special attention to how father’s domestic behaviors affect their children’s development of  gender attitudes, emotional skills or cognitive abilities. During the pandemic, I studied how Covid’s restrictions unequally affected the well-being and concerns of men and women.  Since 2024 I’m the PI of a new project on  masculinities.  Empirically, I use a variety of techniques, primarily quantitative methods and large scale datasets such as the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children, the German Socio-Economic Panel or Time-Use Surveys.  I also have extensive experience using qualitative methods.  

Results of my research were published in journals like European Sociological Review, Journal of Marriage and Family, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, European Societies, REIS, RISIn 2020, I co-edited a  book on fatherhood (in Spanish). Results of these studies were featured in  outlets across United States, Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom, Australia, Spain, or Mexico, like e.g., The Economist, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, or El País.

Since 2020, I’m on the editorial board of Journal of Marriage and Family and, since 2022, I’m the editor of Tendencias Sociales--Revista de Sociologia

Research awards recieved: 

These awards deserve a massive ‘thank you’ to  collaborators, mentors, and friends.

When I’m not working, I make music, play sports, and spend time with family and friends.  You can download my CV here.

Pic: with my niece Jimena in summer 2021 (she loves filters)