
 I welcome master students, PhD  students, and Postdoc researchers  to work with me on the following topics:

  • Family dynamics and demographic change (marriage, divorce) and its links to social inequalities.
  • Parenting: new roles of fathers, intensive mothering ideologies, parenting styles. 
  • Child development: cognitive and non-cognitive skills formation. 
  • Gender: ideology/attitudes, unequal divisions of unpaid work, women’s career development, fatherhood premiums
  • Education: compensatory mechanisms of adverse life course events, reproduction theory.
  • Methods: time-use, longitudinal data, causal inference, ethnography, focus groups, interviews, mixed methods. 
  • Masculinity & Sexual Health: Prevalence of HIV & other STIs’  across populations, risks’ managements (PReP, PeP, DoxyPep, etc), stigm, health outcomes,  chemsex, or aging with hiv. 

I mainly work with large scale longitudinal and cross-sectional comparative datasets. In addition, I have extensive experience using ethnography and qualitative methods and I am also open to supervise works in that line. 

I’m currently supervising three PhDs on gender, happiness, and violence, respectively. I’m open to supervise more PhD students.  At UNED, we have fully funded pre- and post-doc scholarships. Postdoc contracts last for 5 years and you can do your own research, without teaching or duties for other projects. Pre-doc contracts last for 4 years.  If you would like to apply for one of these scholarships, feel free to contact me at 

My style of mentoring is simple. I just try to imitate my own mentor, M. J. González. That means granting students freedom, and letting them find the specific ideas and topics  they fall in love with. Acting mainly as a guide in moments of lost or need. I constantly remind myself to avoid any kind of patronizing or judging, but activily listen. A mentor is key to maximize students’ returns of investments of time and energy.  This is a great reading on mentoring.