Work-Family Policies in International Comparison: Schedule 

Week 1: Introduction & Logistics

PART I: The Challenges  
Week 2:  Female Revolution and Demographic Change
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Week 3: Theories of Change 
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PART II: The Crisis of Care
Week 4:  Dependency and the Ethics of Care
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Week 5: Gender Divides in the Work of Care
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Week 6: Class Divides in the Work of Care 
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PART III: Welfare States
Week 7: Welfare Regimes 
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Week 8: Including Gender and Class into Welfare Regimes 
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PART IV: Redistribution of Risks
Week 9: Parental Leaves
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Week 10: Aging, Retirement and Elderly Care
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Week 11: The Motherhood Penalty
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Week 12:  The Fatherhood Premium
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