
All publications with a link below can be downloaded for free. 

Peer reviewed article (Selection)

Wondering why there aren’t any publications in 2023 and 2024? Check out the teaching page! 

The Gendered Effects of Divorce on Mothers’ and Fathers’ Time with Children and Children’s Developmental Activities: A Longitudinal Study (with Pablo Gracia).  European Journal of Population, 2022

The Intergenerational Transmission of Gender: Paternal Influences on Children’s Gender Attitudes (with Heather Hofmeister). Journal of Marriage and Family, 2022.

My Home Is My Castle? The Role of Living Arrangements on Experiencing the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence From Germany (with Alexander Langenkamp & Christian Czymara).  Frontiers in Sociology, 2022

Social Class, Parenting, and Child Development: A Multidimensional ApproachResearch in Social Stratification and Mobility, 2021 

Cause for Concerns: Gender Inequality in Expiriencing the Covid-19 Lockdown in Germany (with C. Czymara & A. Langenkamp)European Societies, 2021

Changes in Fathers’ and Mothers’  Time with Children: Spain, 2002-2010.  European Sociological Review, 39(5), 2019. 
A Matter of Time: Father Involvement and Child Cognitive Outcomes  (with Janeen Baxter and Francisco Perales).  Journal of Marriage and Family, 81, 164-184. 2019.

 Care in Practice: Social Class and Family Strategies in the Care of Elderly People  [In Spanish].  Revista Internacional de Sociología76(3). 2018

Toward a New Model of Fatherhood? Discourses on the Process of Paternal Involvement in Urban Spain. (with M. Barbeta). Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 159.  2017. 

Time and Inequality in Labor and Family Dynamics [in Spanish]. Revista Internacional de Sociología, 75(1).  2017

Edited volumes 

La Paternidad en España: La Implicación Paterna en el Cuidado de los Hijos
[Fatherhood in Spain: Father Involvement in Child Upbringing (with Lluís Flaquer & Marc Barbeta, Eds.)
Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) [Spanish Research Council], 2020.
  • Winner of the Spanish Research Council Politeya’s Collection Award (CSIC)


Time, Love and Parenting: The Role of Fathers in the Intergenerational Transmission of Advantage.  Barcelona: Pompeu Fabra University, PhD Dissertation, 2019.

Book chapters 

“La Familia Como Institución Social” (con Rosario Hildegard Sánchez Morales), En José Antonio Díaz y Rosa Rodriguez (Eds.) (2022): Introducción a la Sociología Actual para Ciencias Sociales. Madrid: UNED. 

“Sexo, Género y Sexualidad” (con María Martínez González), En José Antonio Díaz y Rosa Rodriguez (Eds.) (2022): Introducción a la Sociología Actual. Madrid: UNED.

Changing Family Models: Emerging New Opportunities for Fathers in Catalonia (Spain)? 
In Isabella Crespi and Elisabetta Ruspini (Eds.): Balancing Work and Family in a Changing Society: The Fathers’ perspective, London: Palgrave-MacMillan. (with Lluís Flaquer and Almudena Moreno). 2017 

“Dimensions of Fathers’ Involvement” (with Marc Barbeta), In Flaquer, L., Cano, T., & Barbeta, M. (Eds.): Fatherhood in Spain: Fathers’ Involvement in Childcare (In Spanish). Madrid: CSIC (2020).

Does Father’s Childcare Time Matter for Child Skill Development?” (w/ Janeen Baxter & Francisco Perales), In Flaquer, L., Cano, T., & Barbeta, M. (Eds.): Fatherhood in Spain: Fathers’ Involvement in Childcare (In Spanish). Madrid: CSIC (2020).

Are We Moving Towards a More Gender Egalitarian Distribution of Childcare Time?” In Flaquer, L., Cano, T., & Barbeta, M. (Eds.): Fatherhood in Spain: Fathers’ Involvement in Childcare (In Spanish). Madrid: CSIC (2020).

Tomás Cano López